Thursday, May 15, 2014

Cape Fear Christian Academy's Valedictorian, Salutatorian, and Marshals for 2014

CFCA's Class of 2014 Valedictorian & Salutatorian
Ben Hobbs, Valedictorian
Jenna Jackson, Salutatorian

CFCA's Marshals for 2013-2014
Blake Connell, Brittany Ter Meer, Garrett Hobbs, Daniel DeVane
Lindsey Moureau, Callie Ferrell, Kaitlyn Tripp, Charlie Crumpler

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Math Olympics!

CFCA took 32 students to this year's ACSI Math Olympics held at Freedom Christian Academy in Fayetteville on Friday, March 21.
A total of 143 students representing 6 schools competed in the areas of computation and reasoning.
11 CFCA students won ribbons for their efforts - 3 of those were for 1 st place - and at least one student from each grade level earned a ribbon.
Only 2 students out of all those participating also qualified to win a medal for correctly answering at least 85% of their test problems, and our own Trey Tripp was one of those students!  Congratulations to Trey and all of our participants!  As the Principal of FCA reminded them, all the Lord requires of His children is to give their best - we are proud of our students giving their best and representing our school well!

3rd Grade Computation:                           3rd Grade Reasoning:
4th place - Meredith Taylor.                      5th place - Juliana Dinh
2nd place - Ivy McLean
1st place - Jackson Breslin

                                                               4th Grade Reasoning:
                                                               1st place - Trey Tripp (MEDALIST!)

5th Grade Computation:
5th place - Holly Johnson

6th Grade Computation:                            6th Grade Reasoning:
3rd place - Meghan Taylor.                       5th place - Wesley Jackson

                                                               7th Grade Reasoning:
                                                               4th place - Ethan  Giebmanns

                                                                 8th Grade Reasoning:
                                                                 4th place - Collin Parker
                                                                 1st place - Emma Breslin

The other students who attended and also represented CFCA well with their efforts were:
3rd grade - Tyler Skolozynski, Kyli Spencer
4th grade - Barrett Raynor, Claire Parker, Abby Jones, Marlee Butler, Ansleigh Adams
5th grade - Cassie Wimberly, Mary McMullen, Claudia Giebmanns, Ashton Britt, Caroline Parker
6th grade - Kristen Bass, Kaylah Jackson, Ben West
7th grade - Jacob Talbot, Anna Gurkin
8th grade - Taylor Thompson, Delaney Cumbie, Sarah Ter Meer, Hannah Tripp

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Cape Fear Christian Academy Students Volunteer at CUSOM

Emir being examined.
Three CFCA students assisted the Campbell University School of Osteopathic Medicine this week by volunteering to be pediatric "patients".  Eighth graders, Cassie McLamb and Sarah Bowman along with eleventh grade international student, Emir Demirkiran, arrived at the CUSOM campus a few miles down 421 and met the medical students who practiced their pediatric patient assessments and interactions with them as if they were real patients.  "It was interesting to see inside the medical school and good to do something simple to help the medical students," said Sarah. 

Sarah & Cassie on the manipulation tables.

Monday, February 24, 2014

“Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.” ― Leonardo da Vinci

CFCA 7th Grade student, Willow Tighe, has tasted flight!   Willow's father decided to give her flying lessons as a gift, so she takes lessons about once a month when she visits New Jersey.  Willow definitely now has her eyes turned skyward because she hopes to use her flying skills in a career with the US Coast Guard one day.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Chemistry Class Creates an Amorphous Solid

Students melted styrofoam using a fuel source.  Ultimately, once melted, it formed into a gel.  Students learned the visible, physical change was due to the double bonds in the styrofoam turning into single bonds when exposed to the petroleum fuel source.  An amorphous solid was formed that could be shaped.  Once the desired shape was formed, the fuel helped light the concoction, and the amorphous solid fed the fire for quite sometime.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Winning Elementary Teams in STEM Tower Contest!

Team Work!

CFCA's Elementary Science Lab had a contest today to see which team could plan and successfully construct a tower using aluminum foil only.  The winning team planned and built the tallest, free-standing tower.
Creative 3rd Grade girls constructed an Angel Tower
3rd Grade Winners
4th Grade Winners

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Middle School Rotary Writing Contest Winners!

The Dunn-Erwin Rotary Club recently sponsored an essay contest using the questions asked by the Four-Way Test.  This test is designed to help students be better citizens as they are encouraged to think before speaking and acting.  The questions addressed in the essay focused on being truthful, being fair, being helpful, and promoting goodwill and friendships.  The contest was open to all area 7th and 8th graders and was anonymously judged by a panel of club members.
The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners from CFCA were Sedrick Pickett, Emma Breslin, and Josh McMillan, respectively.  They were invited to attend a Rotary luncheon where Sedrick was asked to read his winning essay.  In addition to the recognition and lunch, each winner was awarded a monetary prize:  Sedrick won $50, Emma won $35, and Josh won $25.

Angela Godwin, Middle School Principal and English teacher, accompanied the winners to the luncheon on Wednesday, December 4.