Monday, January 20, 2014

Chemistry Class Creates an Amorphous Solid

Students melted styrofoam using a fuel source.  Ultimately, once melted, it formed into a gel.  Students learned the visible, physical change was due to the double bonds in the styrofoam turning into single bonds when exposed to the petroleum fuel source.  An amorphous solid was formed that could be shaped.  Once the desired shape was formed, the fuel helped light the concoction, and the amorphous solid fed the fire for quite sometime.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Winning Elementary Teams in STEM Tower Contest!

Team Work!

CFCA's Elementary Science Lab had a contest today to see which team could plan and successfully construct a tower using aluminum foil only.  The winning team planned and built the tallest, free-standing tower.
Creative 3rd Grade girls constructed an Angel Tower
3rd Grade Winners
4th Grade Winners